Jan Tober

Weather Technique Meditation
To work with fires, winds, humidity, moving toward
"on shore breezes" and harmonious weather’.
Sit quietly, wrap area with Iridescent
Rainbow Mist (I.R.M.) then SHIMMER IT!
This moves you to 5 D (Quantum).
You are ready to create a hologram.
See the "Garden of Eden" in your hologram and state
"Most Benevolent Outcome" (M.B.O)
This brings in the Angel Support.
To work on fires for example.
Set up your hologram… see above…
wrap fire in The "Violet Flame".
See fire burn in on itself till it's a wisp of smoke,
then blow it out.
Use M.B.O. and send a blanket of moisture
(water) over the area.
While we have been focusing on San Diego and the rest
of California, this process can be adapted anywhere.
Send I.R.M. around any area
Shimmer and see "Garden of Eden" and say
"M.B.O." with pure intent!
Thank you for your Love and Support,
Namaste, Jan Tober