Jan Tober

Jan's Soul Portrait by Andre Ferrella
Andre Ferella is a visionary artist and multimedia creator of spiritually based, multidimensional and metaphysical works of fine art.
Each Soul Portrait emerges into a personal representation of the Quantum Self.
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Blah Blah Blah...This is for text placement only. Jan's entire life was metaphysical, enhanced with music. Her amazing Jazz voice was recognized very early, and at 18 she performed with some of the Jazz greats of our time. Stan Kenton and Benny Goodman both sought her out for their big band tours. Then came Fred Astaire, who signed her on his own record label as his first recording artist! All through this, Jan was aware that her real mission was going to be later in life... and she was right.
You can book a session by clicking the links below.
Jan's Healing Readings
DNA Activations
Jan's healing room includes the full spectrum of bowls, with all the sizes and tones. With her healing voice accompanying the bowls, she produces what some call "intuitive magic." After your information is given by email, Jan intuits your energy and sets aside a special time for you. She studies your information, then she produces a custom recorded ten-minute sound healing CD, and sends it to you (MP3 file okay too).
The results are being seen by most as life-changing, where they can listen to their own activation CD for their personal meditations, and are feeling the power each time. According to the best information we have, your very cells are active and "listening" to everything around you. Your DNA, which is linked to your innate body and Higher-Self, is able to take this personal custom healing recording and work with it at the highest level.
$155.00 U.S., $175.00 International
Live Phone Sessions
As good as the custom recording may be (above), there is nothing quite like the LIVE experience. Jan is now available for personal phone readings. What she does is to help you to be aware of the quantum energy surrounding you, and to relax you into who you really are. It helps you to be aware of your old patterns, and provides specific ways of releasing them.
Jan’s healing voice helps to get you to a balanced “zero point” - that place between the in-breath and out-breath of Source - that silent Point of Creation - and assists you to find your own peaceful, joyful place.
This reading is really helping you with a very private balancing session, making it a complete meditative experience.
1/2 hour $80.00 U.S., 1 hour $150.00 U.S.
You can book a session by clicking the links below.
This link will take you to the email of Jan’s representative. Please put either "DNA Activation" or "Live Phone Session" in the subject line, and the representative will return your email, discuss details, and start the process with you – Credit Cards Accepted.